Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Iraqi Police Department.  April 2003.

The Burden of Government.

Currently I undergo various forms of treatment related to stressors from combat.  Many were provided as parting gifts upon completion of two deployments to the "Hell Hole" that is Iraq.  Now obviously there are good experiences from combat.  Like... well okay mostly they are negative and serve as little more than reminders of times when things were at their worst.  However, the most burdensome aspect of combat life is not the direct or indirect fire.  It is, of all things, the complete lack of treatment from psychological disorders that are prevalent among so many returning veterans.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Severe Anxiety Disorders, bouts of uncontrollable depression and the ever present memories. Nothing more then memories, bitter sweet, anguish-inducing memories.

The problem with the care and treatment for these wonderful and abundant memories, is that it comes wrapped in red tape and surrounded by bureaucracy.  To receive an appointment there is the normal period of calling in, waiting 6 months and then finally getting the opportunity to plead your case in under an 1 hour.  However, the truest to nature form of treatment for veterans displaying "any" signs or symptoms is to... wait for it... here it comes... MEDICATE.  That's right!  Medicate the fuck out a problem and either it'll go away or best case scenario for the Veterans Administration is that the veteran himself will slowly diminish and disappear all together.

Keep coming back, the rambles of a disgruntled vet will only get longer winded and next time include up to 30% more bitching.